Thursday, September 8, 2011

Homeopathic Cures for Leaky Gut

There are some natural herbs that work really well with healing Increased Intestinal Permeability, which is more commonly called Leaky Gut Syndrome.  One herb that works really well with stomach issues such as cramps, excessive gas, and bloating is chamomile.  Chamomile also mellows you out and a hot cup of chamomile tea is usually advised if you have troubles falling asleep at night. Since chamomile is a great relaxer, it can melt away stress.  Considering that stress plays a role with Leaky Gut, this is an added benefit as well.

The herb peppermint helps move bile through your system and soothes your tummy as well.  It also acts as a kind of natural disinfectant as it will obliterate certain strains of bacteria.  Considering that Leaky Gut is caused  by "bad" bacteria entering into your bloodstream, a nice hot cup of peppermint tea is sounding better all the time!

Have you heard of Marshmallow Root?  Sounds delicious doesn't it?  Well this herb helps calm down aggravated mucous membranes in your gut.  If you recall, the problem with Leaky Gut starts when your stomach lining gets inflamed and bacteria, fungi, food and other particles make it into your bloodstream.  Marshmallow Root can help keep your stomach lining impermeable and ideally keep the bad stuff out!

Slippery Elm, when mixed with water, forms a gel-like substance that will coat your insides.  It works great for a "scratchy" throat, an upset stomach or intestinal tract.  In fact, it is also used externally to soothe burns or boils on the skin.   Much like Marshmallow Root, it can protect your intestinal wall.  It also contains antioxidants, which act to reduce free radicals in your system and relieve infections.  All of these properties work beautifully with this health condition.

Echinacea, an herb associated with treating some pretty serious things, like malaria and scarlet fever, is also helpful with Increased Intestinal Permeability.  It acts as an anti-inflammatory, has antioxidants, and bolsters your immunity to disease. 

There is another herb worth briefly mentioning here.  Goldenseal is a great herb to use to heal your digestive tract.

The sad truth today is that doctors over-prescribe antibiotics, which leads to a whole host of problems. Antibiotics often times can cause this disorder as they kill off both the good and bad bacteria.  The herbs discussed above are helpful in helping restore your health.

We are not medical professionals or herbal specialists.  Please understand that these articles are only for informational purposes and to be used as a "jumping off point."  Please consult with a professional who specializes in Leaky Gut Syndrome if you believe you may be suffering from the condition.  

1 comment:

  1. I have had very good results from using chamomile. I think that I have made the mistake of not keeping up with it. Chamomile is a very powerful cleanser. It has such a mild flavor that I don't expect that, but it can heal urinary tract infections and cleanse allergic reactions to bites.
